Atlanta Apartment Fire Lawyer

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Atlanta Apartment Fire Lawyer

Atlanta, GA Apartment Fire Attorney

In 2020, local fire departments responded to an estimated 1.4 million structural fires. These fires left more than 3,500 people dead and at least 15,200 suffering injuries. Property damage was estimated at $21.9 billion according to the National Fire Protection Association. Only 26% of all structure fires are apartment or residential fires; however, those fires are responsible for 76% of all related deaths.

Many apartment fires occur because the landlord did not maintain the property in accordance with the standard fire code, or because the landlord allowed other occupants of the building to violate the code. People who are injured in fires are often scarred both physically and psychologically. They will be forced to deal with ever-increasing medical bills, lost wages from their jobs, and life-changing pain and suffering. In terms of compensation, victims are entitled to fair and adequate compensation from the negligent party responsible whether that is the landlord themselves or another resident of the building.

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